- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Programming
- Просмотров: 2141
Recently I've implemented lightweight header library to encapsulate interfacing with FTDI EVE chip, namely, FT800, in templated OO manner. It should compile in modern embedded x86/ARM toolchains, like ones Keil or C++ Builder have.
The idea is as follows - while your core framework provides standard IO bus interface, like mine esfwxe, via EseChannel templated abstract facade, the rest is done in modular manner by EVE library classes.
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Utilities
- Просмотров: 1874
For the recent mobile FMX application development, I had a challenge, do not use any service from my full-featured cross-platform framework, to minimize application bloat, besides, FMX framework itself is rather big piece of cake.
One of the cornerstones is a I18N support which in my framework is based upon custom implementation of gettext. In current case, I decided to wrap I18N manager coode around FMX's TLang. As far as TLang may use, besides its binary stoarage, the plain text files as well, formatted as key=value pair.
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Embarcadero
- Просмотров: 1901
Recently, I got to, as many many years ago, dive in Windows API, to implement a rather simple task. I needed to restrict an FMX-based application, namely its Windows-flavour target, to be single-instance, so any attempt to launch yet anther copy of its process would (try to) bring up the first running one.
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Embarcadero
- Просмотров: 1973
Article explains how to use standard style elements to customize LookAndFeel of own GUI elements.
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Libraries
- Просмотров: 2566
ExacTsoft C++ framework is kind of creature, that was born back in 2000s, when I realized, that products, I developed back there, need common functional codebase.
What was needed (click to unfold)
- Strict separation of non-visual, and visual (GUI) areas of functionality
- Some generic cross-platform implementations, for file primitives, for instance
- Extendability
- String class + its satellites, like I18N, locale, misc encoding converters, tokenizer, RegEx
- File, Path, etc. primitives
- Streams
- Basic XML support
- Math, advanced math
- Communications
- Reflection
- Scripting
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Embarcadero
- Просмотров: 2184
What would old tethered programmer want from its main working tool? Obviously, it must, no, MUST work as expected, and provide an expected, I emphasize, EXPECTED result(s). Recently, we tried to compile our middle-sized application project group for MAC OS. All components were separately ported beforehand, to be at least compileable under toolchains other than Win32|Win64. Needless to say, that after a few tries to compile entire project group, and getting a load of ‘unresolved externals’, I started to suspect that something is wrong there :) Test project for the article.
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Embarcadero
- Просмотров: 2648
FMX framework automatically maintains style loading for Controls which implement StyleLookup property. What would you do, to quickly implement compound control, with automatic styling support, without actually write a "true" component class for it?
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Embarcadero
- Просмотров: 2257
That topic covers the case, when platform and custom styles may be seamlessly used together.
- WinSparkle with multilanguage support
- Иногда они возвращаются... или std::locale static linkage bug in C++ Builder
- Создаем объект Delphi из его метакласса в С++ Builder. Серия 2
- Компиляция design-time пакетов из паскалевских исходников в С++ Builder
- Update locker using RAII
- Создаем Delphi объекты из метаклассов в С++ Builder
- Если вы строите проект Дельфи компонента для С++ Билдера
- RTTI InheritsFrom replacement for C++ Builder