
  • Deploying and Signing OSX app the right way

    Recently, I've complete my 'geshtalt' - migrate and release Windows FMX app, Ecolight-AP under MacOSX platform. And, by God, it was painful and hard, mainly due to EMB toolchain tried to fracture my butt on almost each final step.
    The dehydrated knowledge here is crystallized two weeks of pain and swearing, and sweatting.
    Problem starts reveling itself after all Debug stuff was successfully brushed on MAC, under PAServer session, and Release for App Store was created with Developer ID * certificates, which allow to install from signed local pkg.

  • ES Script example of communicating with AD-7732 UART camera

    This example demonstrates ES Script capabilities when interfacing AD-7732 UART camera module. Source may be directly copied into ES Scripting console, and executed from there.

  • ES Script example of I2C interfacing to OPT3001 lighting sensor

    The following example shows scripting FTDI MPSSE usage to interface OPT3001 lighting sensor on I2C bus. As usual, paste the script into console, compile, and run, providing you have proper HW config ready, and have proper OPT3001 I2C address in script code.

  • ES scripting framework

    ES scripting framework description, cookbook, sources, examples

  • ESS Scripting Console command line parameters

     "ess-console command-line usage:\n"
        "ess-console.exe [options] [switches]\nOptions:\n"
        "-f - input script file <filename>.<ess|cess|cesse>\n"
        "-o - script compiled output directory or file <filename>.<cess|cesse>\n"
        "-i - optional script include path(s), semicolon-separated\n"
        "-l - optional script binary link path(s), semicolon-separated\n"
        "-e - script execution entry point, optionally followed by parameter values, semicolon-separated\n"
        "     example: -e <someFunction>[;\"param 0\";\"param 1\";\"param 2\"]\n"
        "-m - start console application window minimized\n"
        "-d - preserve debug information in compiled script\n"
        "-c - encrypt the compiled binary file\n"
        "-r - run loaded script file\n"
        "-x - exit console upon successfull operation completion\n"
        "-n - export translatable strings to the *.pot file alongside compiled script binary when saving the latter\n"
        "-? - show this information\n"
        "-h - alias of -?\n"


  • Example of changes to the new version of esscript

    An ESS code snippet demonstrating changes introduced in esscript engine included in upcoming release of esframework version 1.23

  • NMEA parser extension for MTK 3333

    NMEA0183 parser object, implemented in ES script language

  • PO2TXT converter script for FMX TLang

    For the recent mobile FMX application development, I had a challenge, do not use any service from my full-featured cross-platform framework, to minimize application bloat, besides, FMX framework itself is rather big piece of cake.

    One of the cornerstones is a I18N support which in my framework is based upon custom implementation of gettext. In current case, I decided to wrap I18N manager coode around FMX's TLang. As far as TLang may use, besides its binary stoarage, the plain text files as well, formatted as key=value pair.