- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Resources
- Просмотров: 202
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Resources
- Просмотров: 193
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: DIY, electronics
- Просмотров: 1170
In memory of my mother, Gromova Margarita Ivanovna. Thank you, and rest in peace.The following is a result of more than two years of efforts, in fields of PCB and schematics software mastering, C software design, ESP8266 platform development, and struggling through quirks of Embarcadero;s Firemonkey framework in C++, all in spare time between a supper, and night sleep.
Finally, ESP8266+PZEM T004 - based WIFI PowerMetering logger is here, both, as IoT firmware, and PC client software.
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Programming
- Просмотров: 1436
A brief article on C++ reflection approach implemented in ESFWX framework
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Embarcadero
- Просмотров: 1487
Requirements and pre-conditions:
- Chart series may contain different point types:
- First, let's call them 'automatic' - which may have been acquired by some logger process, in ordered, evenly spaced moments in time.
- Other type is 'manual', - meaning, that thesee may be acquired as a result of explicit user-to-device interaction during the same measurement session, as an automatic ones. These manual points usually have an arbitrary distributed x, and sometimes even y values.
- Chart series should draw automatic and manual points differently, while allowing these points to be iterated as a members of the same sequence.
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Programming
- Просмотров: 1630
When using boost framework, which I usually try to avoid, if possible, I further avoid using its binary libraries. Mainly because it's required to build these, and it's not as easy as it may seem.
First, you should build the boost build engine itself. My most recent attempt was with boost 1.66 + MSVC 2017. Needless to say, that I ran into quite usual showstopper. Boost could not compile b2 because it could not find a few C++ headers, and libraries. Following are necessary steps to perform to avoid these obstacles.
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Programming
- Просмотров: 1781
I started ESP8266 project, the first step was to support SDMMC over SPI. I have implemented SDMMC SPI interface years ago. The main challenge was to adapt it to new MCU core. After many attempts, it was up and running. Below are lessons learned.
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Vsevolod V Gromov
- Категория: Embarcadero
- Просмотров: 1838
Recently, I've complete my 'geshtalt' - migrate and release Windows FMX app, Ecolight-AP under MacOSX platform. And, by God, it was painful and hard, mainly due to EMB toolchain tried to fracture my butt on almost each final step.
The dehydrated knowledge here is crystallized two weeks of pain and swearing, and sweatting.
Problem starts reveling itself after all Debug stuff was successfully brushed on MAC, under PAServer session, and Release for App Store was created with Developer ID * certificates, which allow to install from signed local pkg.
- FTDI EVE header library
- PO2TXT converter script for FMX TLang
- Restricting Windows FMX application to single instance
- Using distinct elements of standard style in our own GUI elements
- ES Framework
- It's dynamic linking time, with C++Bulder and OSX
- Firemonkey style hack
- Some notes on working with FMX styles