Добавление проверок и ограничений данных на серверный слой многозвенки DataSnap.

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Adding Constraints to the Server

When you write a traditional data module in Delphi, you can easily add some of the application logic, or business rules, by handling the dataset events and by setting field object properties and handling their events. You should avoid doing this work on the client application; instead, write your business rules on the middle tier.

In the DataSnap architecture, you can send some constraints from the server to the client and let the client program impose those constraints during the user input. You can also send field properties (such as minimum and maximum values and the display and edit masks) to the client and (using some of the data access technologies) process updates through the dataset used to access the data (or a companion UpdateSql object).

Field and Dataset Constraints

When the provider interface creates data packets to send to the client, it includes the field definitions, the table and field constraints, and one or more records (as requested by the ClientDataSet component). This implies that you can customize the middle tier and build distributed application logic by using SQL-based constraints.

The constraints you create using SQL expressions can be assigned to an entire dataset or to specific fields. The provider sends the constraints to the client along with the data, and the client applies them before sending updates back to the server. This process reduces network traffic, compared to having the client send updates back to the application server and eventually up to the SQL server, only to find that the data is invalid. Another advantage of coding the constraints on the server side is that if the business rules change, you need to update the single server application and not the many clients on multiple computers.

But how do you write constraints? You can use several properties:

  • BDE datasets have a Constraints property, which is a collection of TCheckConstraint objects. Every object has a few properties, including the expression and the error message.

  • Each field object defines the CustomConstraint and ConstraintErrorMessage properties. There is also anImportedConstraint property for constraints imported from the SQL server.

  • Each field object has a DefaultExpression property, which can be used locally or passed to the ClientDataSet. This is not an actual constraint; it's only a suggestion to the end user.

The next example, AppServ2, adds a few constraints to a remote data module connected to the sample EMPLOYEE InterBase database. After connecting the table to the database and creating the field objects for it, you can set the following special properties:

object SQLDataSet1: TSQLDataSet
object SQLDataSet1EMP_NO: TSmallintField
CustomConstraint = 'x > 0 and x < 10000'
ConstraintErrorMessage =
'Employee number must be a positive integer below 10000'
FieldName = 'EMP_NO'
  object SQLDataSet1FIRST_NAME: TStringField
CustomConstraint = 'x <> '#39#39
ConstraintErrorMessage = 'The first name is required'
FieldName = 'FIRST_NAME'
Size = 15
  object SQLDataSet1LAST_NAME: TStringField
CustomConstraint = 'not x is null'
ConstraintErrorMessage = 'The last name is required'
FieldName = 'LAST_NAME'

The expression 'x <> '#39#39 is the DFM transposition of the string x <> '', indicating that you don't want to have an empty string. The final constraint, not x is null, instead allows empty strings but not null values.

Including Field Properties

You can control whether the properties of the field objects on the middle tier are sent to the ClientDataSet (and copied into the corresponding field objects of the client side) by using the poIncFieldProps value of the Options property of the DataSetProvider. This flag controls the download of the field properties AlignmentDisplayLabelDisplayWidthVisibleDisplayFormatEditFormat,MaxValueMinValueCurrencyEditMask, and DisplayValues, if they are available in the field. Here is an example of another field of the AppServ2 example with some custom properties:

object SQLDataSet1SALARY: TBCDField
DefaultExpression = '10000'
FieldName = 'SALARY'
DisplayFormat = '#,###'
EditFormat = '####'
Precision = 15
Size = 2

With this setting, you can write your middle tier the way you usually set the fields of a standard client/server application. This approach also makes it faster to move existing applications from a client/server to a multitier architecture. The main drawback of sending fields to the client is that transmitting all the extra information takes time. Turning off poIncFieldProps can dramatically improve network performance of datasets with many columns.

A server can generally filter the fields sent to the client; it does so by declaring persistent field objects with the Fields editor and omitting some of the fields. Because a field you're filtering out might be required to identify the record for future updates (if the field is part of the primary key), you can also use the field's ProviderFlags property on the server to send the field value to the client but make it unavailable to the ClientDataSet component (this provides some extra security, compared to sending the field to the client and hiding it there).

Field and Table Events

You can write middle-tier dataset and field event handlers as usual and let the dataset process the updates received by the client in the traditional way. This means updates are considered to be operations on the dataset, exactly as when a user is directly editing, inserting, or deleting fields locally.

This update process is requested by setting the ResolveToDataSet property of the TDatasetProvidercomponent, again connecting either the dataset used for input or a second dataset used for the updates. This approach is possible with datasets supporting editing operations. These include BDE, ADO, and InterBase Express datasets, but not those of the new dbExpress architecture.

With this technique, the updates are performed by the dataset, which implies a lot of control (the standard events are being triggered) but generally slower performance. Flexibility is much greater, because you can use standard coding practices. Also, porting existing local or client/server database applications, which use dataset and field events, is much more straightforward with this model. However, keep in mind that the user of the client program will receive your error messages only when the local cache (the delta) is sent back to the middle tier. Saying to the user that some data prepared half an hour ago is not valid might be a little awkward. If you follow this approach, you'll probably need to apply the updates in the cache at every AfterPost event on the client side.

Finally, if you decide to let the dataset and not the provider do the updates, Delphi helps you a lot in handling possible exceptions. Any exceptions raised by the middle-tier update events (for example,OnBeforePost) are automatically transformed by Delphi into update errors, which activate theOnReconcileError event on the client side (more on this event later in this chapter). No exception is shown on the middle tier, but the error travels back to the client.